アメリカご紹介 part II




After Portland, my father drove along the Columbia River Gorge and through Eastern Washington to the city of Spokane.  It took over 6 hours 😵!   On the first part of the drive, you can see Multnomah Falls and many wind turbines along the river that divides Oregon from Washington.  The second part, after entering Washington, is a long stretch of semi-desert. That night we had dinner at an Asian restaurant.  I was happy to eat the vegetarian sushi rolls with cucumber and avocado😊.

次の日は近くの大きな公園に歩いて行きました。「マニトパーク」にはいっぱいのガーデンがあります。ヨーロッパスタイルの「ダンカンガーデン」はとてもキレイですね! そして日本スタイルのガーデン「西宮」もステキです!!

The next morning we walked to Manito Park and Botanical Gardens, a beautiful park with many different types of gardens.  The European style Duncan Garden is lovely with its symmetrical layout and fountain. There is also a Japanese garden, Nishinomiya, named after the city in Japan.  It was also stunning!!


先日東京に行ってきました。天気も良くてとてもリフレッシュできました! 眺め抜群の代官山にあるメキシコ料理のお店「アシエンダ・デル・シエロ」東京タワーも見えますし夜はもっときれいです!! メキシコ料理のお店からほど近い代官山蔦屋書店ここもおすすめです!!

ここでしか手に入らないアートブックや DVD/CD など数多くあります! いつも地元で行くTSUTAYAとは違い店内は図書館に近いと思います! アルファベットから漢字に変わっただけでなく雰囲気も大人の蔦屋ですね。カフェもあるので座って好きな本が読めるので時間が経つのもわすれるくらい楽しいです!!


アメリカご紹介 part I


Portland is Oregon’s biggest city, and the Willamette river runs through its center, dividing the east and west sides.  There are 8 bridges that cross the river!!  It’s like a big Matsue😉.



My favorite part of the city is the “Alphabet District”, where the street names run from A to Z.  In this district are cute shops and old houses.  It’s very picturesque, and I was lucky the hydrangea were in full bloom.♡

私のおすすめ町は「アルファベット」で AからZ まで全ての名前がついている道のある町です。 カワイイお店とハウスがいっぱいあります。そして紫陽花もピッタリキレイ♡

In the old days, people used horses and carriages to get around. There are still old “parking” rings, and you can even see some horses😉.



Of course, Portland also has a pro soccer team!!  Go Timbers!!

part 2:Tsuwano


この日は天気がとても良かったです。 鯉が本当にいっぱいで大きくてびっくりして見てました。

When we visited Tsuwano, the weather and atmosphere were completely different from Hagi.  A bright blue sky and sunshine made walking along the quaint main street of Tsuwano very enjoyable.  Of course we also saw many carp!!

太皷谷稲成神社と永明寺も行きました。 太皷谷稲成神社は1000の鳥居があります! 永明寺は珍しい茅葺き屋根があります! それと紅葉がとてもキレイでした🍁

We also walked to both Taikodani Inari Shrine and Yomei-ji Temple, located at either end of the town. We walked through many vermillion torii winding up to Taikodani Inari, which looked stunning against the hills. It was very tranquil and peaceful at Yomei-ji Temple.  Its unique thatched roof also looked beautiful against the changing colors of the leaves.


Finally, we rode a lift and hiked a little to see the remains of Tsuwano castle. The view of Tsuwano far below was breathtaking!!

part 1:Hagi





My father has wanted to visit Hagi and Tsuwano, so we all went on a short trip!  Hagi had a castle ruled by the Mori clan during the Edo period in Japan, but now there are only ruins.  Although the castle grounds are vast and lovely, the day we visited, the weather was cloudy and gloomy.  There were also very few people, but many stray cats.  This gave the castle grounds a mysterious, haunted atmosphere.

Before I came to live in Japan, I read a little bit about the Bakumatsu period in Japan. I was really excited to see the shrine (top center photo) that includes the school where Yoshida Shouin-San taught many of the future leaders of the Meiji era!!

次は津和野のご紹介です「Next will be our visit to Tsuwano!」