オリオセタ「OLIOSETA」Luxury Editions


今回は100mlのみの販売です!!オリオセタ全てのオイルトリートメントは浸透性の高いオーガニックアルガンオイルとオーガニック亜麻仁油加え椿オイルが入りますとパラベンフリー とアルコールフリーです!!

We now offer OLIOSETA‘s line of leave-in hair treatments oils in luxury fragrance editions: Life & Feminine, Life & Liberty, and Life & Clarity.   Life & Feminine contains moringa oil which helps control frizz and adds extra shine for a glossy finish. Life & Liberty contains non-greasy opuntia oil and is specially formulated to maintain the brilliance of color-treated hair. Life & Clarity contains camellia oil which has moisturizing properties to help treat extra-damaged hair.

OLIOSETA Life & Feminine, Life & Liberty, and Life & Clarity are available in 100ml bottles and contain certified organic argan and linseed oils, in addition to being alcohol- and paraben-free❤︎.