新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う店舗の営業状況について 。Information regarding COVID-19


We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to all those affected by COVID-19.


We have implemented the measures below to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

衛生面に関して「Cleaning and Hygiene」:

  • より頻度の高い手洗いの励行「Promote regular and thorough hand-washing」
  • お客様の消毒用アルコールの設置「Encourage use of hand sanitizer upon entering」
  • マスクを着用をさせて施術させていただきます「Use of a mask to help with social distancing」
  • 接触が多い箇所について、頻度の高い消毒と衛生管理の徹底「Disinfect frequently-touched surfaces」
  • 窓開けて換気を励行します「Open windows for ventilation」
  • お客様一人様ずつの施術をさせていただきます「Adjust the schedule so there is only one customer present at a time」


Thank you for your continued patronage of Hair Innovation. We will continue to take appropriate measures according to the latest information and guidelines provided by the government.