花回廊・Flower Park


Recently, I went to the Tottori Flower Park.  Although the part of the park with tulips had already finished blooming, there was a tulip festival going on so the entrance to the park was full of beautiful tulips arranged in colorful boxes.♥


It was a warm, sunny day, and I enjoyed walking all through the different flower zones, but you can also view them from a covered tunnel that encircles the park, including stunning views from above!


There are plenty of flowers that will bloom in the coming months, but the flower park has flowers and natural beauty year round!

Happy May Day🌷


Today is my favorite day of the year, May 1st❤︎. May is a gorgeous month, full of warm, sunny days, and blooming flowers !


Of course, my hosta from five years ago has returned again and continues to flourish.😊

5月は町で散歩しながら花を見るのも楽しいですね。上と下の写真には松江市のキレイな藤の花💜  皆さん「空騒ぎ」のようにお出かけしましょ!

I like to go “a-Maying” which I imagine is like this scene from Much Ado About Nothing.  While “a-Maying” in my neighborhood I came across the beautiful wisteria pictured in the photos above and below!