
こんにちは Jennifer です!



お客様も喜んでおられて写真を撮ろうとしたら鏡に私が写ってしまいました。 😳 

Not only is the weather lovely today, but a swan couple decided to visit us!! When I approached to take a photo, they swam right up to me ; they must be used to people.

I took this photo thinking it would be a great PR shot showing a cut station and the incredible view… complete with swans!  Unfortunately, I was so focused on capturing the swans, I didn’t notice my reflection in the mirror. 😳 

Can you see the swans in the river?

BOOK of the MONTH 「今月の本」


4月の本はFACE FORWARD 「フェイス・フォワード」 by Kevyn Aucoin 「ケヴィン・オークイン」 です。オークインさんはアメリカで有名な「innovative」なメークアップアーティスト。VOGUEマガジンで何度も表紙を飾ったりハリウッドスターのメイクもされていた方です。いろいろなメイクスタイルやポイントがありますので見て下さい。

April’s book, by famous make-up artist Kevyn Aucoin, is inspirational with easy to follow instructions and fabulous photography.



「Please enjoy looking at it while having your hair colored or permed」 🙂





Unfortunately, these trees were cut down in January 2022 as part of an ongoing process to improve the flow of the canal and prevent flooding. However our neighbor at 有限会社馬場印刷所 was able to save some saplings, and one of them bloomed in Spring 2024❤︎

Hello and 初めまして!

私はHair Innovation「ヘアーイノベーション」のジェニファーです。Hair Innovation は松江市の美容室です。今日はブログから始まりま〜す!今からよろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m。

I’m Jennifer from Hair Innovation—nice to meet you! Hair Innovation is a salon my husband, “Yamasaki-san,” and I opened on December 13th 2012, near the main canal in Matsue, Japan.  Yamasaki-san is the owner/stylist and I’m the manager/receptionist.  Sometimes, I get to model in my free time!  Today I’m happy to announce the start of our blog!