桜が開花「Cherry Flower Buds」




The weather had been warming up, but recently it’s been overcast and chilly again. Despite this, the cherry flower buds on the trees in front of Hair Innovation suddenly appeared, a bit earlier than usual!

Soon, Hair Innovation will offer a lovely view of the cherry trees in full blossom. ♡

Container Gardening part VII

今日は春分の日ですね!英語で古いことわざがあります:「In like a lion, out like a lamb」。翻訳すると「3月はライオンの如く来たりて、子羊のごとく去る」意味は3月の天気は始めは風が強く寒い「これをライオンに例えてます」そして終わりになると暖かく優しい天気になる「これを羊の子に例えてます」。今年の松江の天気も始めに吹雪がありましたよね!このことわざそっくりではないでしょうか?これからもっと暖かくなってくると良いですね!

There is an expression in English that March comes “in like a lion, out like a lamb.”  This refers to the transition from Winter to Spring, with harsh, cold weather at the beginning of the month, and gentle, warm weather at the end.  The first part was definitely true for Matsue, as we had a snowstorm at the beginning of the month!  Today marks the spring equinox, and we’ve had some warmer, Spring weather, so it looks as though the rest of the saying may also prove true!

♪ Happy Spring ♪

A year of color changes



These photos show how Hara’s hair style (and color!!) has changed over a year. Which hair style/color do you think suits him best?

手作りパン ♥ Homemade Bread

本当に有難うございました。m(_ _)m


One of Hair Innovation’s customers brought us a box of some of her homemade bread to try.  Not only was the bread extremely delicious, but her presentation was also fancy and very professional looking!!  She even included a fragrant sprig of fresh rosemary.

❤︎We really enjoyed it❤︎


今月のおすすめ本はNEW YORK・EAST COAST発のスケートウェッブマガジン QUARTERSNACKS「クウォータースナックス」の10年を記念して発売された本です。




This month’s book is, TF at 1: Ten Years of Quartersnacks, recommended by Mr. K.  The book is a compilation of content from the skateboarding website, Quartersnacks, which has blog posts, videos, and a list of (unofficial) skate spots in New York City.  As a result of the websites growth and popularity during its first decade, TF at 1: Ten Years of Quartersnacks successfully captures the skate culture of New York City in its many full color photos and interviews.

Please enjoy looking at March’s book while having your hair colored or permed!