Container Gardening part I



Now that the weather is finally warmer, I got to work on the container gardens of Hair Innovation.  Mr. K’s mother brought a beautiful peony (upper left) to the salon.  The color is ‘Oriental Gold’ and the flowers are lovely and very fragrant!


The succulents in the two pots (lower left photo) are, easy to care for and come in many varieties and colors. The wooden container (right photo) has evergreen plants (I hope) of different textures and colors, so it should  grow over the summer and then survive the winter for an all-season show!



5月の本は2006年の オレンジページVol.5です。



May’s book is actually a ‘mook‘ (the Japanese portmanteau of “magazine” and “book”) titled  Orange Page.  This issue dates from all the way back in 2006 and was lent to me by a customer.  I enjoyed it so much, I ordered one for myself!  The features include vegetarian and organic dishes, and even recipes for vegan sweets using kanten (agar) as a gelatin substitute.  Since I don’t eat eggs, I want to try the recipes, especially the berry soy milk dessert❤︎.  Also featured are main dishes with nasu (the Japanese eggplant), and sōmen recipes, which I’m looking forward to try now that the weather is finally warmer!!

Please enjoy looking at it while having your hair colored or permed!

Happy May Day!


今日は5月1日=メーデー!! メーデー私の一番好きな日です 🙂


私の好き映画 Camelotステキなメーデーシーンがありますから是非見て下さい!


May Day originated in ancient Europe to celebrate the warmer spring weather.  Maypole dancing, the crowning of a May Queen, bonfires and feasting were traditional parts of the celebrations.  May Day is my favorite day of the year because it represents things I really love like sunny days, flowers, dancing and romance, and makes me feel like singing, frolicking and handing out flowers. 🙂

One of my favorite movies, Camelot, includes a fantastic May Day inspired scene to the song “The Lusty Month of May”.  You can see it here.  Enjoy!

Happy May Day!!


こんにちは Jennifer です!



お客様も喜んでおられて写真を撮ろうとしたら鏡に私が写ってしまいました。 😳 

Not only is the weather lovely today, but a swan couple decided to visit us!! When I approached to take a photo, they swam right up to me ; they must be used to people.

I took this photo thinking it would be a great PR shot showing a cut station and the incredible view… complete with swans!  Unfortunately, I was so focused on capturing the swans, I didn’t notice my reflection in the mirror. 😳 

Can you see the swans in the river?

BOOK of the MONTH [今月の本]



4月の本はFACE FORWARD [フェイス フォワード] by Kevyn Aucoin [ケヴィン オークイン] です。オークインさんはアメリカで有名な’innovative’なメークアップアーティスト。VOGUEマガジンで何度も表紙を飾ったりハリウッドスターのメイクもされていた方です。いろいろなメイクスタイルやポイントがありますので見て下さい。

April’s book, by famous make-up artist Kevyn Aucoin, is inspirational with easy to follow instructions and fabulous photography.

Please enjoy looking at it while having your hair colored or permed!

もし良かったらパーマやカラーの待ち時間に是非読んでみて下さい。 🙂