Container Gardening part II

今回はガーデニングトークパート2です。   今日は父の日なので、私の父のガーデニングを紹介します♫




最近花ワールドにホスタ を見つけて、購入しました「下右の写真」!


In honor of Father’s Day, I’d like to share some photos of my dad’s garden in Ashland, Oregon.  Three photos are views of the backyard and one is of my dad’s “bistro” (upper right).  On sunny days, my parents enjoy breakfast together near the honeysuckle, which is very fragrant.

Mr. K and I visited Oregon in 2011 and enjoyed the backyard with the stone steps and walls my dad built himself!  One of my dad’s favorite plants is hosta, a fast growing perennial with beautiful green leaves.  You can see some next to the bench (lower left).  Recently, I saw some hosta at a local garden shop!  I decided to get some for the container gardens at Hair Innovation (lower right).  I’m really excited to watch it grow over the summer☆

ハッピーファザーズデイ ♡ Happy Father’s Day, Dad!!

Container Gardening part I



Now that the weather is finally warmer, I got to work on the container gardens of Hair Innovation.  Mr. K’s mother brought a beautiful peony (upper left) to the salon.  The color is ‘Oriental Gold’ and the flowers are lovely and very fragrant!


The succulents in the two pots (lower left photo) are, easy to care for and come in many varieties and colors. The wooden container (right photo) has evergreen plants (I hope) of different textures and colors, so it should  grow over the summer and then survive the winter for an all-season show!