


Whew! It’s really gotten hot and humid in Matsue. Last week was the Tenjin Matsuri (every year throughout Japan on the 24th and 25th of July). We went on the evening of the 25th, so we didn’t see the Mikoshi, which happened on the 24th. We did however see traditional dancing within the Shinto shrine!


The Summer festivals in Japan are a great distraction from the hot weather😁. Being at the Tenjin Matsuri reminded me of the 4th of July celebrations I got to partake in when I visited my hometown: Ashland, Oregon! It was my first 4th of July experience in a very long time, and it was just as fun as I remembered from when I was a child💜. Below are some pictures from the 4th of July parade, which people from allover come to see!



Last Monday, I attended a Tanabata Matsuri (festival) for the first time.  The festival is held in Daitō, a district in Unnan city, every August 6th.  Of course, I enjoyed wearing yukata👘!

Although Tanabata is officially observed on the 7th of July, Tanabata festivals are held throughout Japan in July or August.  You can read more about Tanabata and its history, here.  

In Daitō, each neighborhood makes a float, and these, along with lanterns and bamboo branches decorated with ornaments and wishes, are paraded down a street lined with summer festival booths to the sound of traditional drums, flutes and cymbals.  There was also a stage for live performances, and to top off the night, a fireworks display over the river!  It was truly spectacular, and I look forward to attending next year!


Happy May Day🌷


Today is my favorite day of the year, May 1st❤︎. May is a gorgeous month, full of warm, sunny days, and blooming flowers !


Of course, my hosta from five years ago has returned again and continues to flourish.😊

5月は町で散歩しながら花を見るのも楽しいですね。上と下の写真には松江市のキレイな藤の花💜  皆さん「空騒ぎ」のようにお出かけしましょ!

I like to go “a-Maying” which I imagine is like this scene from Much Ado About Nothing.  While “a-Maying” in my neighborhood I came across the beautiful wisteria pictured in the photos above and below!

さくら祭り:木次町🌸Blossoms in Kisuki



Last week, Mr. K and I went to the cherry blossom festival held annually in the rural city of Unnan.  We had a picnic in the Kisuki area, which has a “cherry blossom tunnel,” as well as views of trees in the surrounding hillsides.


Last year we also went to the festival, but we were too early and the trees had only just started to bloom.  This year our timing was perfect: a sunny day and trees in full bloom!  It was truly spectacular!!🌸

「I wonder where I’ll see next year’s cherry blossoms?」

天神さん夏祭り!!「Tenjin-san Summer Festival」




This year I was able to attend the Tenjin-san Natsu Matsuri, a shinto festival held every 24th and 25th of July. As in past years, the mikoshi are paraded down the streets, which are lined with food and game booths. People of all ages come to enjoy the festival and it’s really energetic and full of smiling faces! This year, my friend and I wore yukata to the festival, which made it extra fun and special.👘