


もちろんスケートボードも楽しいかも!? 私も頑張って歩きます♡

In Matsue, Sept. 21st-30th is car-free week!!  The city-wide campaign encourages people to use public and/or alternative means of transportation to help reduce CO2.  Of course, I will walk to work, and I think Mr. K should ride his bicycle or skateboard.😉

あっ!まだエコのご紹介があります:一ヶ月前私たちはあいと地球と競売人のミュージカルを見に行きました♪ とてもとてもステキで、まるでブロードウェイのミュージカルのようでした!!



Speaking of taking care of the Earth, last month Mr. K and I saw a musical based on the life of Aika Tsubota as she worked to finish her manga, Secrets of the Earth.  The musical is regularly produced with a local cast, and I was very impressed with its Broadway quality!!

I was surprised to find out that Aika-San was from Shimane-Ken and in 6th grade when she wrote her manga.   She wanted to help young people understand the importance of environmental awareness.  Tragically, she passed away just after finishing her visionary work of art.

You can see a copy of Secrets of the Earth in English, here.  It is beautifully illustrated, well researched and very inspirational.  Let’s all follow her example, that even one person can make a difference, and help keep planet Earth beautiful!!

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