龍頭八重滝「Ryūzuyae Falls」

先週の日曜日、雲南市の龍頭八重滝、へ行きました!この滝は上「龍頭ヶ滝」、と下「八重滝」があります!! 全国の一般公募によりに選定された「日本の滝100選」です!!

Last week Mr. K and I went to a national park near Unnan city to see the lovely waterfall there. The waterfall, Ryūzuyae is listed in Japan’s top 100 waterfalls. It is split into an upper fall (Ryūzu) and lower fall (Yae), which represent the mane and tail of a horse.




If you are careful, you can climb around behind the upper fall!!

It was so beautiful!!♥