Container Gardening part VI

今回はガーデニングトークパート6です。   今日は冬至日ですね!去年一昨年と冬のコンテナガーデンをブログで紹介しました 。  今年もコンテナガーデン写真を紹介します♥

コンテナガーデンには、いろんな多肉植物を植え込みました!!このポットにはかわいくて、育てるのが簡単なグリーンです。多肉植物は寒さや暑さにもつよいです 。


Today is the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year) so I though I’d share this year’s winter container garden like I did last year and the year before. This year’s winter container has a mixture of succulents in various shades of green and some hints of purple.   


I’ve had excellent success with succulents (see above). They seem to do well all year, even in the hot, humid summers and cold, dry winters!! 

*Happy Winter Solstice*

3周年「Three Year Anniversary」

こんにちは and Hello (^o^)/

今日はヘアーイノベーションの3周年です ♡
皆様、本当に有り難うございます m(_ _)m

Today is Hair Innovation’s three year anniversary. ♡
Thank you very much to all our wonderful customers! m(_ _)m
Please continue to honor us with your patronage.😊

Happy Mother’s Day

母の日ですね!「Today is Mother’s Day!」



In honor of all the wonderful mothers, grandmothers, and mother figures, there is a beautiful bouquet of hydrangeas at Hair Innovation!

These hydrangeas are an original variety of Shimane Prefecture called: Mangekyou, which translates to kaleidoscope. ♥

とてもキレイですね!「Aren’t they lovely?」

Happy May Day♡


今年は2年前のホスタの葉がもっと増えました! 去年の2倍です!!


As I’ve mentioned before, today is my favorite day of the year, May 1st!!

This year, my hosta from two years ago has returned again (left photo)!!  Last year there were 6 leaves, but this year there are 12 leaves😉! Of course I also got a May Day bouquet for Hair Innovation as well! ♡

Cherry Blossoms are Blooming!

最近暖かい日が多く桜が咲きはじめましたね ☺️




