Container Gardening part V



Today is the spring equinox (the start of spring) so here are some pictures of flowers beginning to bloom!!


Last year, I waited until May before the cyclamens started to bloom. This year, the red cyclamens are already in full bloom and the white ones will bloom soon–aren’t they cute ?

白のシクラメンは後少しで咲くかな ?百合の花ももうすぐですね!!多分5月くらいに咲き始めます。そしてピンクのヒアシンスと多肉植物と後ろには水仙はキレイです ♡

The lilies have begun to sprout, and the pink hyacinth with some succulents and yellow daffodils will make for a charming container❤︎. I’m looking forward to seeing the flowers in May.

🌷Happy  Spring🌷





Yesterday, March 3rd, was Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival), which is celebrated throughout Japan.  Just like last year, Hair Innovation’s Dairibina (Imperial Dolls) will be on display until April 3rd, since according to the traditional lunar calendar, it may also be celebrated one month later.  My mother sent me the picture above of her own set of Dairibina which she is also displaying in her home for the month of March! ♡

Container Gardening part IV

今回はガーデニングトークパート4です。今日は冬至日ですね!今年の冬もコンテナガーデンを紹介します ♡  冬至日は一番日が短いですよね。でも今からはどんどん日が長く明るくなると思います。

Today is the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year) so I though I’d share this year’s winter container garden like I did last year.


コンテナガーデンには、パンジーと葉牡丹植え込みました!! 今年のテーマはピンクと白で〜す ♡ この花は寒さや雪が降るこの時期でも大丈夫です。

This container has a mixture of pansies and ornamental kale in colors ranging from deep magenta to pale pink, and white.  Both are cold resistant and look lovely in the snow, which is a good thing considering it’s already begun snowing this year😱!!

❄️Happy  Winter Solstice❄️

Theatre Festival



Last week was the 5th Yakumo International Theatre Festival, and Mr. K and I were lucky enough to attend some of the performances.




We saw ‘A Flock of Flyers’ by Canadian troupe, Corpus.  In the performance, each flying team member spoke a different language!!  I recognized French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and of course, Japanese too!

It was an excellent, thoroughly enjoyable show for people of all ages and nationalities. ♥



Later, we listened to the Japanese Kinjou-style Taishou Harp  Group, Piccolo Dolce.  They were excellent and played many traditional and modern songs, including a jazzy rendition of Stand By Me!!

Takarazuka セレブレーション100!

Jenniferです 🙂


昨日宝塚のセレブレーション100!を見に行きました♪ とてもとても良かったです! 宝塚は豊富な歌のレパートリーがありますね。私は今までを聞いたことがありません。曲は全部は楽しく聴きやすい♫  もちろんパフォーマンス、ダンス、オーケストラによる生演奏、なども素晴らしい。グラマラスな芝居の衣裳もステキです。私も宝塚ファンになった♡

Last night I was lucky to attend the all-female musical theatre troupe, Takarazuka’s, Celebration 100! ♪  Even though I was unfamiliar with their vast repertoire, I thoroughly enjoyed the nonstop entertainment!!  The troupe had outstanding, tremendously powerful voices, accompanied by a live orchestra.♫ 


 The costumes were gorgeous, and I especially loved the lyrical, jazz, ballroom and other styles of dancing.  Of course, I was fascinated by the ‘otokoyaku’, the male roles that are played by women.  I would love to see a full production at the Takarazuka Grand Theater