Happy May Day♡



メーデーは古くはヨーロッパで始まったお祭りです。暖かくなりお店の花もいっぱいです。 私は去年のシクラメンの花の咲くのを待っていましたが最近、咲きました!! それも去年のホスタも最近大きくなりました! びっくり大きくと元気になったのです! メーデーの花束を今日の朝に準備してお店に飾ってありますのでよかったら見て下さい💐

As I’ve mentioned before, today is my favorite day of the year, May 1st!!  In Europe, May Day celebrates the warm spring weather, the coming of summer and longer days, and the blooming flowers. I was lucky, and my cyclamen from 2013 finally bloomed again!! Also my hosta from last year came back and is bigger and healthier.

One of the old May Day traditions I love is the gathering of flowers to make bouquets or put into baskets, which are then left on your neighbor’s doorstep as a pleasant surprise. I got a cute spring bouquet from a flower shop for Hair Innovation.💐

Cherry Blossoms!!

Jenniferです 🙂




Yikes!  The weather has been crazy recently.  Last week it was getting warmer and like Spring.  However, yesterday was freezing and like winter!!  It also rained yesterday morning and was very windy.  I thought the cherry blossoms would all be blown away.

But…the cherry trees weathered the storm and are still beautiful!!!  In front of Hair Innovation, they are now in full bloom and lovely. ♡

It’s Springtime!!




花見はもうすぐ!! 今からヘアーイノベーションの前の桜が咲きだします♡


Wow!  Today’s weather is absolutely lovely!  Recently it’s been getting warmer and warmer.  It feels like Spring has finally come!

And…it’s nearly time for cherry blossom viewing!  The cherry trees in front of Hair Innovation are already beginning to blossom. ♡


こんにちは、Jenniferです 🙂



On March 3rd, Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival) is widely celebrated throughout Japan.  However, according to the traditional lunar calendar, it may also be celebrated one month later on April 3rd.  After Valentine’s Day, department stores exhibit the traditional dolls on tiered platforms lined with red carpet.  The dolls and their accessories are typically of the Heian period, and some displays can be quite gorgeous!!  This year, Hair Innovation also has two mini dolls. 🙂  The Dairibina (Imperial Dolls) are on the top tier and represent the Emperor and Empress.  My dolls are simple, but very cute and will be on display until April 3rd.♡

Happy Valentine’s Day ♡

Jenniferです 🙂




毎年私のお母さんはハンドメイドの手紙をバレンタインに作ります。今年もバレンタインに受け取りました!! カワイイ手作りの編み物も中に入ってました:マフラーとカッフ♡


In America, Valentine’s Day is celebrated among couples, friends and family by exchanging cards, sweets, or presents.

It is estimated that 145 million greeting cards are purchased for Valentine’s Day, second only to Christmas!!

Every year my mother sends me a handmade Valentine’s Day card.  When I got this year’s Valentine, it also contained some cute items she knitted for me: a headband, scarf and matching cuff ♡


Although White Day is not celebrated in America, of course I will send a return card to my mother before March 14th 😉

ハッピーバレンタインズデー ♡ Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!