1周年/One Year Anniversary!!

こんにちは and Hello (^o^)/

今日はヘアーイノベーションの1周年です ♡
皆様、本当に有り難うございます m(_ _)m
今後もよろしくお願いいたします 😊

Today is Hair Innovation’s one year anniversary ♡
Thank you very much to all our wonderful customers! m(_ _)m
Please continue to honor us with your patronage😊

ちゃんこ鍋 (Chankonabe)

Jenniferです 🙂







We went to a restaurant near Matsue Station called ‘Tenkomori’.  We ordered the shop’s specialty, ‘chankonabe,’ a kind of Japanese stew.  When it arrived, I was surprised by how big it was, even though there were 5 of us to eat it.  When the waitress told us a sumo wrestler could eat the whole pot himself, I was even more surprised!!  The chef’s brother is a sumo wrestler from Hiroshima, and the shop also has framed pictures, handprints and autographs of many sumo wrestlers 🙂

Now that the weather is getting cooler it’s a great time to try this shop and ‘nabe’ ♪




もちろんスケートボードも楽しいかも!? 私も頑張って歩きます♡

In Matsue, Sept. 21st-30th is car-free week!!  The city-wide campaign encourages people to use public and/or alternative means of transportation to help reduce CO2.  Of course, I will walk to work, and I think Mr. K should ride his bicycle or skateboard.😉

あっ!まだエコのご紹介があります:一ヶ月前私たちはあいと地球と競売人のミュージカルを見に行きました♪ とてもとてもステキで、まるでブロードウェイのミュージカルのようでした!!



Speaking of taking care of the Earth, last month Mr. K and I saw a musical based on the life of Aika Tsubota as she worked to finish her manga, Secrets of the Earth.  The musical is regularly produced with a local cast, and I was very impressed with its Broadway quality!!

I was surprised to find out that Aika-San was from Shimane-Ken and in 6th grade when she wrote her manga.   She wanted to help young people understand the importance of environmental awareness.  Tragically, she passed away just after finishing her visionary work of art.

You can see a copy of Secrets of the Earth in English, here.  It is beautifully illustrated, well researched and very inspirational.  Let’s all follow her example, that even one person can make a difference, and help keep planet Earth beautiful!!

Beautiful Day!!


こんにちは ☀️

今日はとてもステキな天気ですね !

Today is such a beautiful day ♫.

It’s been a while since the sky was so clear and perfectly blue!!  

Even the canal outside Hair Innovation is sparkling.✨

I hope there are many, many more days like today this Fall.


そして大橋川も輝いてます 😊



9月28日、29日「土・日」10:30〜17:00は「ノスタルジックたてまち手仕事マーケット2013」!! いろいろな手作り品いっぱいあります:アクセサリー、イラスト、布雑貨など…そして32番は私のお友達の:ひで工房作品はいくつかヘアーイノベーションにもあります♡


From 10:30am to 5:00pm on Saturday and Sunday the 28th and 29th of September, there will be a market in Tatemachi featuring handmade arts and crafts!

I recommend the pottery by ひで工房 (# 32).  She is coming from Hiroshima and has created many of the potteries you see at Hair Innovation (see photo above)♡.  There will also be food and drink booths at the market–enjoy!!