

9月28日、29日「土・日」10:30〜17:00は「ノスタルジックたてまち手仕事マーケット2013」!! いろいろな手作り品いっぱいあります:アクセサリー、イラスト、布雑貨など…そして32番は私のお友達の:ひで工房作品はいくつかヘアーイノベーションにもあります♡


From 10:30am to 5:00pm on Saturday and Sunday the 28th and 29th of September, there will be a market in Tatemachi featuring handmade arts and crafts!

I recommend the pottery by ひで工房 (# 32).  She is coming from Hiroshima and has created many of the potteries you see at Hair Innovation (see photo above)♡.  There will also be food and drink booths at the market–enjoy!!