part 1:Hagi





My father has wanted to visit Hagi and Tsuwano, so we all went on a short trip!  Hagi had a castle ruled by the Mori clan during the Edo period in Japan, but now there are only ruins.  Although the castle grounds are vast and lovely, the day we visited, the weather was cloudy and gloomy.  There were also very few people, but many stray cats.  This gave the castle grounds a mysterious, haunted atmosphere.

Before I came to live in Japan, I read a little bit about the Bakumatsu period in Japan. I was really excited to see the shrine (top center photo) that includes the school where Yoshida Shouin-San taught many of the future leaders of the Meiji era!!

次は津和野のご紹介です「Next will be our visit to Tsuwano!」